Super Sweet Blogging Award

Thank you to Mrs. & The Misc. for the nominating us for our second blog award, the “Super Sweet Blogging Award”!!!


Here are our answers to the Super Sweet Blogging Award questions:

1. Cookies or cake?

Melissa: Can I choose both…? 🙂 I guess if I had to make a choice right now I would chose cookies. I love homemade cookies, especially chocolate chip or peanut butter.

Michelle: Cakes of the cup variety

2. Chocolate or vanilla?

Melissa: Chocolate for sure, I love everything chocolate.

Michelle: Vanilla

3. What is your favorite sweet treat?

Melissa: Right now I am in love with homemade chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, but I will never, ever  turn down a cupcake!

Michelle: Crème Brulee

4. When do you crave sweet things the most?

Melissa: Everyday, all the time. But especially after dinner!

Michelle: When I can’t have them… haha.

5. If you had a sweet nickname, what would it be?

Melissa: I already have a sweet nickname… its Lou (which is sweet because it is shortened from my childhood nickname, Lissy Lou-Who)

Michelle: Cupcake! Just because I love cupcakes so much.

6. What is your favorite dessert recipe to make?

Melissa: Cupcakes! I always make cupcakes for family birthday events.

Michelle: I don’t really bake, but I love when Melissa makes cupcakes with buttercream icing

BONUS: Popsicles and Pinatas sweet question:

7. Who do you love to bake sweet treats for?

Melissa: I love baking sweet treats for my family.

Michelle: I really never bake, but I’m happy to eat whatever Melissa bakes.

Now, here are our nominees for “sweet” blogs:

The Porto Bellas

Craft It. Bake It.


Cappucinno & Wine

Thank you!

–       Melissa & Michelle

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